Pet Loss and Grief

Losing a pet, whether through natural causes, disease, or an accident, can leave a profound hole in a pet owner’s heart. Grief over losing an animal is very real and very personal, and each person or family handles pet bereavement differently. As with all grief, it’s important to reach out if you are feeling isolated, depressed, overwhelmed, or a deep sadness that won’t go away. Talking to others that have lost a beloved pet, whether that be a friend, family member, support group, or reaching out to a professional can help significantly. Local veterinarians and humane societies can be a good first point-of-contact in providing recommendations for pet-related grief counselling. There are also many web-based resources that can be of assistance. The most important thing to know is that you do not have to go through the pain of losing a beloved animal companion alone.

Below, we’ve listed some online resources, which can help you deal with your loss.

  1. The Pet Loss Support Page
  2. Pet Loss Help
  3. Pet Loss Grief Support Center
  4. Bereaving

Written by: Petroglyph Animal Hospital